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Letter from the UPPSA President
Past Newsletters
Welcome to the official website for the Urban Planning and Policy Student Association (UPPSA)! We are a student organization composed of graduate students dedicated to serving our diverse community at UIC's College of Urban Planning and Policy (CUPPA).
We also work in close partnership with the three other graduate urban planning student organizations: LPODER (Latin Planning Organization for Development, Education, and Regeneration), SBUP (Society for Black Urban Planners), WPPA (Women in Planning and Public Affairs). Our work, activism, and programming is always strongest when in collaboration with our peers.
In the past year, we have organized a successful relief drive with on-the-ground partners in Puerto Rico for survivors of Hurricane Fiona, held peer panels on the MUPP internship and plan-building course requirements, sent CUPPA students on part- and full-scholarships to the APA IL 2023 State Conference, co-hosted the Conference’s Showcase and Networking event, ensured student participation in monthly faculty meetings, and held our famous “transit-oriented drinks” social event encouraging students to spend time together off campus at a transit-accessible location.
We look forward to welcoming you to the student groups’ collectively-produced annual Urban Innovation Symposium this spring. It is an entirely student-run event that has garnered a trusted reputation for hosting challenging and timely conversations bringing together planning professionals, organizers, academics, and civic leaders. More details on this year’s symposium will be announced shortly.
Feel free to reach out to us through email, and stay up to date on future events and opportunities through our newsletter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts.
The UPPSA board remains committed to facilitating both social and professional development events to keep students engaged beyond the classroom. Hope you can join us!